Where to start is always important. Even though there are many places where you can start, MALPs are usually easier when you approach solving them in certain ways. Whenever I do MALPs, I always work on an entire row or column and finish it before I start another row or column. I start with a column or a row that's on the edge of the MALP, and I don't skip over rows or columns. Also, don't do the row/column with the arrow piece until last. As long as you follow those guidelines, you shouldn't have too much trouble, but remember, they are just guidelines, you don't have to follow them always to be successful at doing MALPs. The same is true of all the rest of what I've shown in these tips, and what I'm going to show in the rest, but they do at least give you a place to start.
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Last Updated: Sunday, December 26, 1999