MALP Specialists Training Manual

MALP Questions and Answers

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Need" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Need", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the second from the bottom in the center column.

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"Need" "Orb"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Orb" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Orb", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the second from the right piece in the bottom row.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Jackson" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Jackson, as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the bottom piece in the third from the right row.

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"Jackson" "Gamekeeper"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Gamekeeper" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Gamekeeper", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is in the bottom right corner.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Desert Ops" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Desert Ops", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is bottom piece in the second from the right column.

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"Desert Ops" "Machello"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Machello" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Machello", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the top piece in the second from the left column.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Hanka" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Hanka", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the top piece in the second from the left column.

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"Hanka" "Reinforcements"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Reinforcements" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Reinforcements", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the far left piece in the second from the top column.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Carter/Hathor" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Carter/Hathor", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the piece in the exact center of the bottow row.

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"Carter/Hathor" "Heru'ur"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Heru'ur" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Heru'ur", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is thepiece in the top left corner.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Prisoners" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Prisoners", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the piece in the top right corner.

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"Prisoners" "Warship"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Warship" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Warship", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the second piece from the left in the bottom row.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Promotion" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Promotion", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the second from the right piece in the bottom row.

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"Promotion" "Water Test"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Water Test" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Water Test", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the far left piece in the second from the bottom row.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Teal'c" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Teal'c", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is in the bottom right corner.

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"Teal'c" "Aris Boch"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Aris Boch" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Aris Boch", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is in the bottom right corner.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Lindris" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Lindris", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the second from the left piece in the top row.

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"Lindris" "Demons"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Demons" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Demons", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is in the exact center of the second from the bottom row.

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Naquadah Reactor" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Naquadah Reactor", as shown below by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is in the top left corner.

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"Naquadah Reactor" "Psych Ward"

Question: �Where does the blank (arrow) piece go in "Psych Ward" when the MALP is completed?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �In "Psych Ward", as shown above by the piece marked 'A', the blank (arrow) piece is the third from the right piece in the second from the bottom row.

Question:  How many points do I get for doing a MALP?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �It depends on the MALP. Here's some information on each of the MALPs:

MALP Name/ Ref. Number Difficulty (SGC) Difficulty (KiZo scale)* # of Pieces Points the first time Points every other time
REF. ND-99/2 (Need) Trainee 1 20 6 12
REF. PTQ-902O (Orb) Trainee 2 24 8 16
REF. DCL-F632 (Jackson) Trainee 2 24 8 16
REF. GKR-945 (Gamekeeper) Trainee 2 24 8 16
REF. SS/9837 (Desert Ops) Trainee 2 24 8 16
REF. MTD-45A.1 (Machello) Advanced 3 30 12 24
REF. HKA-9321 (Hanka) Advanced 2 24 14 28
REF. THR-G/6HR (Reinforcements) Advanced 3 30 16 32
REF. CRT/HTR (Carter/Hathor) Advanced 4 54 18 36
REF. GLD-05/H (Heru'ur) Expert 4 54 20 40
REF. Q80-PR (Prisoners) Expert 5 45 22 44
REF. HTK-004 (Warship) Expert 5 54 22 44
REF. SGC-02/4TM (Promotion) Trainee 1 20 8 16
REF. DT847/5 (Water Test) Trainee 2 24 10 20
REF. TC-764/E (Teal'c) Advanced 3 24 14 28
DMS-A/6IN (Aris Boch) Advanced 3 30 14 28
LIN-8/4 (Lindris) Advanced 4 54 16 32
BOP-103 (Demons) Advanced 4 54 18 36
LC-33A/NR (Naquadah Reactor) Expert 4 54 20 40
DJ-AFM/01 (Psych Ward) Expert 5 54 22 44

The MALP Name/Ref. Number is the name of the MALP at the SGC. The Difficulty (SGC) is the difficulty rating at the SGC, ie, Trainee, Advanced, Expert, Trainee being the easiest, and Expert the hardest. Points the first is the number of points you get the first time you do the MALP. Points every other time is the number of points you get every subsequent time you do the MALP. Difficulty (KiZo scale) is a special difficulty rating designed and defined specifically for MALPs. A rating of one on the KiZo scale indicates that the MALP is a relatively (note we said relatively, MALPs are harder for some people than for others.) easy, and is one that we would recommend new comers to the world of MALPing start with. A difficulty rating of 2 on the KiZo scale indicates that the MALP is a little harder than a MALP with a KiZo rating of 1, but it's still a relatively easy MALP. A MALP with a KiZo rating of 3 is about half way between the hardest MALP and the easiest MALP. Just as MALPs with a KiZo rating of 1 and 2 are very similar in difficulty, MALPs with a KiZo rating of 4 or 5 are also similar in difficulty, except we rated MALPs with few pieces that are very similar to each other a 4 on the KiZo scale, and we rated MALPs that have many pieces that look similar to each other, like Prisoners, and Psych Ward, a 5 on the KiZo scale. Keep in mind that the KiZo scale, like much relating to the difficulty of MALPs is subjective; it will be more accurate for some people than for others. Some people may find some MALPs that have a high KiZo rating to be more difficult than another MALP that has a lower KiZo rating.

Question: �What do I do when I need to switch the last two pieces to finish the MALP?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �So far only one person, General Maverick of SG-2, has been able to come up with a repeatable method of fixing this, and it only works on Orb, Jackson, Gamekeeper, Desert Ops, Hanka, Water Test, and Teal'c, but not on Need, Machello, Reinforcements, Carter/Hathor, Heru'ur, Prisoners, Warship, Promotion, Aris Boch, Lindris, Demons, Naquadah Reactor, or Psych Ward. Originally, Mav asked me to have people email him to get the instructions for how to do this particular trick, however recently he gave me permission to post instructions on my webpage, here.

Question: �What if I can't tell the difference between two of the MALPs?

Question by:��Zodiy

Answer: �The easiest way to tell the pieces apart when they're too much the same color, like in Prisoners, with all the black pieces, or in Teal'c, is to look at the number of the piece. To do this with Netscape, right click the piece and look on the menu that comes up for a number with a .jpg after it. This is the number of the piece. On Internet Explorer, you have to click properties, and look at the window that comes up for the name of the image (the piece), which should also be a number with a .jpg after it. To tell where that particular number piece goes, look at the representations of the MALPs given in the answers to the questions above about where the arrow pieces go. The numbers are the numbers of the pieces.


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Last Updated:�Sunday, December 26, 1999