MALP Specialists Training Manual

Dialer Simulation

One of the best tips I've heard for the DHD (Dialer Simulation) is to memorize names for the glyphs. You can do this several ways, by going to the Mainframe Database (Like I did) and memorizing the names given there, or by giving the glyphs their own names. It also helps if you say the glyph names (Whether yours or the official names, doesn't matter) out loud to yourself as you click on them (Even if you sound silly. What's sounding silly compared to a chance at getting more points on the DHD?), so it's a good idea to keep the names you make up short, or you could end up hard pressed to talk fast enough. Also, with the official names that have two words, you can shorten it to one. (For example, I have a tendency to call 'Pisces Astrinus' just 'Astrinus'.)

Another thing that helps with the DHD is to put your finger (Or better yet, cursor) on the first one or two glyphs. This is a bit harder (Some would say suicidal, point-wise) at the higher levels. I've also heard at least one person admit to using non-permanent marders to write on the screen. I would think after a round or two that could get confusing, but if you have a slow computer, like mine, I suppose you'd probably have time to wipe it off. And one last thing to remember -- The last glyph is always the same: Earth.


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Last Updated: Sunday, December 26, 1999